Next week is the last week before a break in classes for Thanksgiving. Students will not be in class again until Thursday, October 16th. With this break in school, my English class students (113 and 123) should be working on their Independent Novel project. For both classes, this project is worth 15% of the student term mark thus, expectation is high for a high quality project.
English quizzes are given every Friday and Math quizzes are given every Wednesday. This will continue until exams in January. Mid terms will be written the week of November 3rd. Parent teacher meetings will be on the 19th and 20th of November (times to be posted at a later date). My expectation is for students to accompany their parents to the interview if possible.
Take Your Child to Work Day is on Monday, November 10th. More details to follow regarding this. Students in high school will not be in class this day, or the next day, Remembrance Day.
Ms. Norman