Report cards went home with students today. Parent Teacher interviews begin tomorrow, Wednesday, from 6:30pm to 8pm and again on Thursday, 9am to 12:00pm. I will place a sign up sheet outside my door if parents are interested in signing up. If there is no one in my room, please feel free to pop your head in my door if it is open during parent teacher interview hours.
English 113 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect. Students have been reminded many times of the original due date.
Beginning this week, there will be a weekly quiz on Wednesday to assess language skills and exercise knowledge from the week prior. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension, editing, and short story writing.
Students who did not complete the writing assignment today (4 Christmas lines that have 10 syllably and rhyme) have homework tonight. This is part of the project for our Christmas concert presentation.
English 123 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect.
A weekly quiz will be given on Wedesdays for the remainder of this term. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension.
Presently, students are working on a group video project for The Chrysalids (due December 12). Students had eMac training today to edit work they will video over the next few weeks. Students are also encouraged to work on their indpendant novel project (due January 9th).
Math 9 - students should be working on their math projects due December 11th. These projects will be presented to parents and administrators on December 18th in our class. Please mark this date in your calendar from 12:30 to 1:30pm. We look forward to having your enjoy our variety of projects.
Classes end on December 19th for the Christmas Holidays.
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link:
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010