Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Friday, January 14, 2011

Math 9 Exam Review

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the end of the first half of the school year. It is exam time and you should be preparing each night with review and paying attention in class to everything teachers say as they are being precise and reviewing relevant information!

Week of January 11 - 14 we reviewed and practiced:
Power (and exponent rules)
Square Root
Order of Operations
Scientific Notation
Pythagorean Theorem
Area (Square, Triangle and Circle)

For each of the above, I have put REAL PLAYER videos on my WikiLink (these were done by another math teacher in the province). Watch each one and make notes. This should help you review in addition to the class discussions and practice work in class.

Every student should have their own scientific calculator by now. It is essential you are familiar with your own calculator for the exam. During the exam is NOT the time to use a new one.

I will provide extra help everyday Week of January 17 - 20 before school, at noon, and after school beginning at 3pm.

Ease your own anxiety by preparing and completing all your work from this term in all your courses.

Ms. Norman

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