Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week of September 27 to October 1

This week, students will write a test on Square Root and Area of circles, squares and recatngles. Included in shapes are composite objects. If you don't understand a math vocabulary word, look it up in your text book glossary or refer to your own vocabulary in your notebook.

Students completed practice test on page 21 to prepare for Wedesday.

Ms. Norman

September 2010

Thank you for being patiently waiting for my blog to start for the year. I have included everything in this blog we have completed in Math 9 thus far this year. If you are wondering if you (or if you are wondering if your child!) owes me work, please refer to Homework Hour from the GMCS homepage.

If you would like additional notes taken in class, click the link to my Wikisite where I am able to place attachments.

EVERY student has the ability to log on to the Internet and access the ENTIRE math text book. This new text, titled Math Makes Sense, is user friendly and has examples for every type of question we will attempt in class. The logon is with login grandmanan_student and passcode student2010

In addition to the text as a resource, students have four main sections in their three ring binder. Their work is in the first section, notes in the second and vocabulary in the third. In the fourth section, they place tests and quizzes at the back of their three ring binder. Every student requires to have their own calculator.

In grade 9 math, I offer extra help after school on Wednesdays. I can help at other times upon request, but I coach the Cross Country team on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and when not at Cross Contry I have Senior Drama on Tuesday and Thursday after school. However, my classroom students come first, so if you need help - do not hesitate to ask. Morning and lunchtime help is always available in addition to after school.

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