Welcome to Week 3 of this school year. There is no school on Friday, September 23, 2011.
Science 8
We started a biology project last Friday on living things. This project is due Wednesday, September 21st. Here are the details. Each student has a copy of the index card and what the project looks like.
You and your partner will complete a collection of living things from the school yard. You must stay in the soccer pitch area, in the back of the school and not loiter on the driveway. After school, you may find additional things in your own back yard, at the shore or in the woods. The objective is to get as many living objects you can find, maximum 30 and minimum 15.
The project is worth 20 points. You will be marked on accuracy, neatness and variety of items. The due date is Wednesday, September 21st. With one partner, one will be a collector and the other will be a curator. The collectors role is to search the school ground for various living things (different plant life, fungi, animal, insect – any living thing) and the curators role is to display the collected items, identify them (either draw them or attach them to paper), label and describe them.
If you can not collect a living thing, but can see it, make an illustration. Look up, down and all around! The living thing should be taped or glued to the index card. If needed, the specimen should be colored using color pencils to identify the color of the specimen. Magnifying glasses may help with your search. The objective is to find as many kinds and types of living things possible. Resource books may help you identify the name or scientific name.
Math 9
The first two weeks of classes, we reviewed and did a number of exercises, took notes and worked through a review from grade 8. On Friday, we began the math textbook work. Students have access to the text online from home via the website http://www.mathmakessense.ca/books1.html . If this link does not work, the google Pearson Math Makes Sense and log into the grade 9 text book. Student username is: grandmanan_student and password is: student2010
There is always extra help on Wednesday after school. If students require other help times for help they simply ask. I am at school in the morning and after school when I am not coaching Cross Country or High School Drama.
I am enjoying the year. All students are putting in a great effort to stay on top of their work.
Ms. Norman
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link: http://msnormanwiki.wikispaces.com/
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010