English 123
These are your questions for Friday's test, October 10th.
The Chrysalids - Chapters 1 - 11
1. What are the two recurring dreams that David has? How are they both foreshadowing?
2. What is ironic about the following comment by the inspector: “Loyalty is a great virtue, but there is such a thing as misplaced loyalty. One day you will understand the importance of a greater loyalty. The Purity of the Race.” (pg. 58)
3. The characterization of a character is the creation of the image of persons in drama, narrative poetry, the novel, and the short story. Characterization generates plot and is revealed by actions, speech, thoughts, physical appearance, and the other characters’ thoughts or words about him. Write about the characterization of Uncle Axel. Use at least two quotes from the book to support your answer.
4. Write an outline for the next chapter of the novel. This should be done in point form. Then, write a paragraph of this outline summarizing the chapter. This should include what characters are involved, the setting, sequence of events etc.
English 113
These are your questions for the test on Friday, October 10th.
Hunter in the Dark
1. Imagine that you are Mike and you are back in the hospital for the fourth time. Write a properly formed letter to Doug, whom you haven’t seen before the hunting trip. In your letter summarize your hunt for the trophy buck. Be sure to include challenging moments for Mike. (value 7)
2. Chapter 8 takes us back to March, the month in which Mike first gets the idea to go hunting. “At first daydreaming about it was only a game to keep the dark at bay. But it was Doug who make it real.” (page 110). “Ever since Doug had taken over his dream and started to make it real, the darkness had retreated,” (page 113) (value 7)
a) State three specific ways Doug helps Mike’s dream come true.
b) Do you think Mike is right to become “crafty” and deceptive in order to reach his goal? Give reasons for your opinion.
3. Write a new ending to the book. This should be a (minimum of one) properly formed paragraph. Include details of the ending, who in involved and the setting etc. (value 6)
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link: http://msnormanwiki.wikispaces.com/
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010