English 113 - Your mid-term is this Friday, October 31st during class. We will review Hunter in the Dark this week and discuss Romeo and Juliet too! If you look over chapter questions, listen to discussion in class and make notes during review; you will have no problem with the mid-term. Good luck! Please come see me if you need help with anything.
Computer questions on Romeo and Juliet (Sheet 1) is due Monday, October 27th in class. Sheet 2 and 3 are due on Tuesday, October 28th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
Computer questions on Romeo and Juliet (Sheet 1) is due Monday, October 27th in class. Sheet 2 and 3 are due on Tuesday, October 28th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
1. What drug did Mike look up in a book at the library when he discovered he had lukemia?
2. What school trip was Mike not allowed to go on? Who did not let him go?
English 123 - We will finish The Chrysalids this week in class. Presently, we are reading Chapter 14. Due on Monday, October 27th is the Chapter 12 question sheet we did in the computer lab. Chapter 13 questions will be done during Monday's class, due on Wednesday, October 29th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
1. Sophie had six toes on each foot. How is this significant to the story?
2. David is the main character in the book. What is Rosalind's role?
Math 9 - Monday's class, October 27th, you will begin review for the mid-term (mid-term is November 6th during first block of our double-block). You will have a number of work-sheets to complete at your own pace during class this week along with continued work on probability. Once you have completed all work-sheets, you should be prepared for the mid-term! I will offer extra help any day this week, up to Halloween, October 31st.
Here is a mini-review for SLOPE
Slope = m
Slope = Y/X
Slope = delta Y/delta X (subtract two Y points and two X points)
y = mx + b is equation of the line
y = y point
m = slope
x = x point
b = y-intercept
We will look at equation of a line (beginning page 106) on Tuesday.