The following are the topics we have covered this term and will be on your final assessment.
Chapter 5 - Powers and Roots
Chapter 7 - Polynomials
Chapter 6 - Solving Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 4 - Congruent and Similar Triangles
We will begin review on Wednesday second class. First class we will have a Congruent and Similar Triangle test.
I am available for help Monday to Thursday after school next week.
Ms. Norman
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link:
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
Friday, May 29, 2009
Science Exam Review
The following is a list of pages you should read, review and study for the Final Exam. Handouts were given during the term, for every page of the text required for students to study.
Unit 1 Matter(this unit is 20% of the exam)
Pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39
Know the physical and chemical properties of matter; and examples of each
Know the States of Matter
Know the Changes of State (page 28)
Know the Fire Triangle (page 39)
Pages 44 - 47, 87 - 89, 104 - 105, 110 - 113,
Know the Building Blocks of Matter Particle Theory (page 44)
Know types of subatomic particles
Know how to count particles using a periodic table, mass number, atomic number
Know how the elements are organized on a periodic table
Unit 2 Reproduction (this unit is 60% of the exam)
Pages 140 - 143, 148 - 153, 159 - 161, 176 - 181, 206 - 210
Know the microscope and cell theory
Know how to label and know the functions of organelles: animal cell, plant cell
Know the stages and be able to label the stages of mitosis and meiosis
Know the difference between mitosis and meiosis
Know the difference and types of asexual and sexual reproduction
Understand and be able to label DNA
Know and understand parts of the plant reproductive organs
Unit 3 Electricity (this unit is 20% of the exam)
Handout Pages (not in main text): 130 - 131, 134 - 135, 142 - 143, 146 - 147
Students should know the vocabulary listed below (and watch for more vocabulary next week!)
Know types of charges, what electric current is, about the electric circuit, series and parallel circuits
Students should also review Mr. Lloyds labs, and be able to write a lab report.
Vocabulary from May 28th
Electrostatics – the study of static electricity charge
Negative charge – an EXCESS of electrons; charge on an electron
Positive charge – the charge on a proton; the deficiency of electrons (lacking of)
Law of Electric Charges – page 272
1) like charges repel on another
2) opposites attract
3) charged objects attract uncharged objects
Current electricity – electric charges move from one place to another
Charging by contact – transferring an electric charge from one substance to another
OR Charging by friction – rubbing
OR Charging by induction (without contact)
Attraction – opposites attract
Repulsion – like charges repel
Question: Why do you think your hair stands on end when you rub a balloon in your hair?
Unit 1 Matter(this unit is 20% of the exam)
Pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39
Know the physical and chemical properties of matter; and examples of each
Know the States of Matter
Know the Changes of State (page 28)
Know the Fire Triangle (page 39)
Pages 44 - 47, 87 - 89, 104 - 105, 110 - 113,
Know the Building Blocks of Matter Particle Theory (page 44)
Know types of subatomic particles
Know how to count particles using a periodic table, mass number, atomic number
Know how the elements are organized on a periodic table
Unit 2 Reproduction (this unit is 60% of the exam)
Pages 140 - 143, 148 - 153, 159 - 161, 176 - 181, 206 - 210
Know the microscope and cell theory
Know how to label and know the functions of organelles: animal cell, plant cell
Know the stages and be able to label the stages of mitosis and meiosis
Know the difference between mitosis and meiosis
Know the difference and types of asexual and sexual reproduction
Understand and be able to label DNA
Know and understand parts of the plant reproductive organs
Unit 3 Electricity (this unit is 20% of the exam)
Handout Pages (not in main text): 130 - 131, 134 - 135, 142 - 143, 146 - 147
Students should know the vocabulary listed below (and watch for more vocabulary next week!)
Know types of charges, what electric current is, about the electric circuit, series and parallel circuits
Students should also review Mr. Lloyds labs, and be able to write a lab report.
Vocabulary from May 28th
Electrostatics – the study of static electricity charge
Negative charge – an EXCESS of electrons; charge on an electron
Positive charge – the charge on a proton; the deficiency of electrons (lacking of)
Law of Electric Charges – page 272
1) like charges repel on another
2) opposites attract
3) charged objects attract uncharged objects
Current electricity – electric charges move from one place to another
Charging by contact – transferring an electric charge from one substance to another
OR Charging by friction – rubbing
OR Charging by induction (without contact)
Attraction – opposites attract
Repulsion – like charges repel
Question: Why do you think your hair stands on end when you rub a balloon in your hair?
Monday, May 25, 2009
English Novel Project
For English 113, here are the details of the Novel Project. This project is for bonus marks valued at 10.
The following questions should be answered in full sentences and full paragraphs. You can write the answers in your journal.
1. After reading the opening chapter, what do you think is going to happen in the book?
2. Would you like to be one of the characters in the book? Which of the characters would you become if you could? Why?
3. If you were the author, would you have changed the name of a character?
4. If you were the author, would you have changed a scene in the book? What would you have done different?
5. Does the book leave you with a question you would like to ask? What is it?
6. Are you confused about what happened (or didn't happen) in the book? What don’t you understand?
7. Who else should read this book? Do you have a friend who would enjoy this book? Why would they enjoy it?
8. Would you like to read more books by this author? Why or why not?
9. Write a brief summary or review of the book. What happened? What didn't happen?
10. What was your favorite part of the book?
The following questions should be answered in full sentences and full paragraphs. You can write the answers in your journal.
1. After reading the opening chapter, what do you think is going to happen in the book?
2. Would you like to be one of the characters in the book? Which of the characters would you become if you could? Why?
3. If you were the author, would you have changed the name of a character?
4. If you were the author, would you have changed a scene in the book? What would you have done different?
5. Does the book leave you with a question you would like to ask? What is it?
6. Are you confused about what happened (or didn't happen) in the book? What don’t you understand?
7. Who else should read this book? Do you have a friend who would enjoy this book? Why would they enjoy it?
8. Would you like to read more books by this author? Why or why not?
9. Write a brief summary or review of the book. What happened? What didn't happen?
10. What was your favorite part of the book?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
English 113 - test Wednesday, May 27th
English 113
Unit Test – Wednesday, May 27th
We have been writing journals all year where you have expressed many points of view and shared things about yourself and your ambitions. For the given journals, read each journal then answer the question in full using appropriate voice, ideas, content, sentence fluency and organization. Each question is valued at 10 marks (2 introduction, 2 fluency, spelling and grammar, 2 creativity and organization, 2 body, 2 conclusion).
1. Read Diary 129, then answer the following question.
In this entry, the author reflects on a powerful statement: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” Think of the experiences of the Freedom Writers and the people they have met. Explain whether or not one person can make a difference to the world.
2. Read Diary 133, then answer the following question.
This writer shares her good news with several people and is let down by each of their reactions. Finally, she shares her news with Ms. Gruwell and the Freedom Writers and they cheer. Consider the people in your life. To whom would you turn if you had news you were excited about? What would be their reaction?
3. The final question is a reflection of you. Put yourself in the shoes of a Freedom Writer. Compare yourself to two experiences we have read about in the movie/novel the Freedom Writers. How do you relate to this person? How do you relate to the experience? How did you feel? Did something about you change? How can these experiences help you in the future?
Unit Test – Wednesday, May 27th
We have been writing journals all year where you have expressed many points of view and shared things about yourself and your ambitions. For the given journals, read each journal then answer the question in full using appropriate voice, ideas, content, sentence fluency and organization. Each question is valued at 10 marks (2 introduction, 2 fluency, spelling and grammar, 2 creativity and organization, 2 body, 2 conclusion).
1. Read Diary 129, then answer the following question.
In this entry, the author reflects on a powerful statement: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” Think of the experiences of the Freedom Writers and the people they have met. Explain whether or not one person can make a difference to the world.
2. Read Diary 133, then answer the following question.
This writer shares her good news with several people and is let down by each of their reactions. Finally, she shares her news with Ms. Gruwell and the Freedom Writers and they cheer. Consider the people in your life. To whom would you turn if you had news you were excited about? What would be their reaction?
3. The final question is a reflection of you. Put yourself in the shoes of a Freedom Writer. Compare yourself to two experiences we have read about in the movie/novel the Freedom Writers. How do you relate to this person? How do you relate to the experience? How did you feel? Did something about you change? How can these experiences help you in the future?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Science tests sent home today
Parent/guardian signature on test
Date: May 19th
Hello parent/guardian, we have three weeks remaining before exams and I want my students to do all they can to succeed in Science 9. Throughout the term, I have offered extra help on Wednesdays at 3pm and continue to offer when they need it. With the end of High School Drama, I am also available on Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm from now until the end of the school year.
Please sign your son/daughter’s test to acknowledge he/she has discussed science with you and have let you know how they are doing. Have he/she explain the study techniques I have shared with them and take a peek at their Science notebook to get an idea of what he/she is doing in class.
There is a make-up test for this Reproduction Unit on Thursday, May 21st at 3pm in my classroom (student must attend if their mark in under 24). Each student was given a study sheet to prepare for this test 1 ½ weeks before the original test from which they can study again.
Students have a cancer research project due to me on Thursday, May 21st. This was assigned May 8th and students had two full classes to work in it in the computer lab. Some students owe Mr. Lloyd lab reports from the last few months.
Please leave a message at the school if you have any questions. I have Science information on the homework blog on our website. I will send you another note following the make-up test.
Signed tests are due to me Wednesday, May 20th.
Ms. Norman
Friday, May 15, 2009
Science 9
In today's lab, you should be working on your project DUE MAY 21st. Late projects are subject to losing marks - so don't be late!
If you are done your project, connect to the website below and create your own notes on cell division meiosis. You can also refer to pages 206 and 207 in your text (or pick up a handout from me).
Meiosis website
Ms. Norman
If you are done your project, connect to the website below and create your own notes on cell division meiosis. You can also refer to pages 206 and 207 in your text (or pick up a handout from me).
Meiosis website
Ms. Norman
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Science Project due May 21st
Details for Science 9 project.
There are also a number of students who owe Mr. Lloyd labs!
Due date: May 21st
Reproduction Unit – Chapter 6
Choose one type of cancer or genetic mutation and prepare a report that considers the following points.
1. Description of the cancer or mutation (write in a language you understand)
2. Causes of the cancer or mutation
3. Treatments available
4. How dangerous is the cancer? / What is the affect of the mutation?
5. What does the cancer affect? / What does the mutation affect?
6. Who does the cancer affect? Who does the mutation affect?
7. Is the cancer or mutation carried through generations of genes?
8. What are your thoughts and/or feelings about the subject you chose for this paper?
9. How did you feel when you began the project and how do you feel now regarding your subject?
You will need:
1. title page
2. table of contents
3. report using the questions above to outline your project
4. project must be a minimum of two pages double spaced
5. a bibliography of references
6. the project must be typed or handwritten (neat and legible)
7. write in complete sentences, using grammar and proper paragraph structure
Project value 20
3 marks – title page and project organization
12 marks – questions 1 to 9 above
5 marks for on-time and quality of project.
There are also a number of students who owe Mr. Lloyd labs!
Due date: May 21st
Reproduction Unit – Chapter 6
Choose one type of cancer or genetic mutation and prepare a report that considers the following points.
1. Description of the cancer or mutation (write in a language you understand)
2. Causes of the cancer or mutation
3. Treatments available
4. How dangerous is the cancer? / What is the affect of the mutation?
5. What does the cancer affect? / What does the mutation affect?
6. Who does the cancer affect? Who does the mutation affect?
7. Is the cancer or mutation carried through generations of genes?
8. What are your thoughts and/or feelings about the subject you chose for this paper?
9. How did you feel when you began the project and how do you feel now regarding your subject?
You will need:
1. title page
2. table of contents
3. report using the questions above to outline your project
4. project must be a minimum of two pages double spaced
5. a bibliography of references
6. the project must be typed or handwritten (neat and legible)
7. write in complete sentences, using grammar and proper paragraph structure
Project value 20
3 marks – title page and project organization
12 marks – questions 1 to 9 above
5 marks for on-time and quality of project.
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