Parent/guardian signature on test
Date: May 19th
Hello parent/guardian, we have three weeks remaining before exams and I want my students to do all they can to succeed in Science 9. Throughout the term, I have offered extra help on Wednesdays at 3pm and continue to offer when they need it. With the end of High School Drama, I am also available on Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm from now until the end of the school year.
Please sign your son/daughter’s test to acknowledge he/she has discussed science with you and have let you know how they are doing. Have he/she explain the study techniques I have shared with them and take a peek at their Science notebook to get an idea of what he/she is doing in class.
There is a make-up test for this Reproduction Unit on Thursday, May 21st at 3pm in my classroom (student must attend if their mark in under 24). Each student was given a study sheet to prepare for this test 1 ½ weeks before the original test from which they can study again.
Students have a cancer research project due to me on Thursday, May 21st. This was assigned May 8th and students had two full classes to work in it in the computer lab. Some students owe Mr. Lloyd lab reports from the last few months.
Please leave a message at the school if you have any questions. I have Science information on the homework blog on our website. I will send you another note following the make-up test.
Signed tests are due to me Wednesday, May 20th.
Ms. Norman