Grand Manan Community School

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Science 9 Matter Review for Midterm

MATTER, Unit 1. Review the definitions in your text of all vocabulary words. My BLOG has all the pages you should review and my WIKI has all the notes we have taken.

a. Malleability f. ductility
b. Hardness g. State
c. Density h. Precipitate
d. Viscosity i. Solubility
e. Corrosion j. Luster

( b) 1. an objects resistance to being scratched.
( f ) 2. When an object can be drawn into a thin wire.
(d) 3. Refers to how easily a liquid flows.
( i ) 4. Is the ability of a substance to dissolve.
( h ) 5. Cloudiness formed when two substances are mixed together.
( c ) 6. Is the amount of a mass per unit volume of matter.
( j ) 7. Whether an object shines.
( e ) 8. slow chemical change when a metal reacts with oxygen
( a ) 9. When a substance can be hammered or bent into different shapes.
( g ) 10. Whether an object is a solid, liquid or gas.

2. The following are examples of chemical or physical change (see page 28 and 29)
Changing an objects shape  (Physical)
Complete change in colour  (Chemical or Physical)
Hard to reverse  (Chemical)
Change in state  (Physical)
Heat or light is given off  (Chemical)

Three chemical properties of matter: combustibility, reaction with an acid, flammability(see page 18 and 19)

The physical properties of matter noted on (page 16 and 17)

Three components are necessary for combustion: fuel, heat, oxygen (see page 38 and 39)

3. Give one example of corrosion: rust (see page 34 and 35)

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