Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Week of December 20 - 23

Math 9

We will have a unit test on Linear Relations, Wednesday, December 22nd. This should be a good test of what you have learned so far. If you are having troubles, recall I have extra help on Monday and Wedensday at 3pm.

Next week:
Monday - page 174: Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Tuesday - Questions 4 - 16 pages 178 - 180
Wednesday - Unit Test Linear Equations
Thursday - Holiday Activities

Thank you for a wonderful first term; remember exams begin on Monday, January 24th. There is not alot of time to review as you are not back until January 11th from holidays.

Take care,
Ms. Norman

December 17th

This week you should have completed all text book work.
This includes assignemnt from Page 171 numbers 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Today, we worked on re-arranging equations to isolate a variable in for form of y=mx+b

Along with this weeks work, you should have complete Vive la France!

Have a nice weekend.

Ms. Norman

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15 - Math 9

Today, students learned more about Equation of the Line and Linear Relations from pages 164 - 171 in the text book.

For classwork/homework, students are to complete questions 4 - 8 on page 170.

Students should refer to their notes, and the indicated pages if they do not understand.
I give extra help every Monday and Wednesday after school.

Ms. Norman

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week of Debember 6 - 10

We have started linear relations this week beginning on page 154 of the text book. I have also put additional information which may be helpful on my WIKI link.

username: grandmanan_student
passcode student2010

Text book page 159 Questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 are due during class on Tuesday, December 14th.

Students should have complete: Picture coordinates assignement, test corrections from rational numbers, pendulum experiment, hand-out 6-4 and 6-5 from last week.

Please see me if you have any questions.
Ms. Norman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews November 18 and 19

There are Parent/Teacher interviews this week beginning at 6pm Thursday. The interviews are in 10 minute intervals unless there is no one waiting, we can chat longer.

Thursday 6pm - 7:50pm
Friday 9am - 10:20am

If you can not make these times, please let me know and we can arrange alternative times.

Meetings are more productive if parents and students both attend.

I look forward to meeting you.
Ms. Norman

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 8 - 12

We are through with mid-terms and onto another quarter of our school year. Parent-Teacher (and students are welcome too!) interviews are November 18th and 19th. I will post the hours as soon as I know them.

All student worksheets and solutions are posted on my wiki-link from this blog site. If a student is not in class, they simply check the lesson and date they miss. Students must show all sketches, formulas and work for credit. Math without work is a picture without color. Although no color is nice at times, there is a better image if color is shown. In other words, I can not tell your math method unless you show me HOW you arrived at an answers. A list of answers is not the process!

Stay tuned!
Ms. Norman

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week of October 18 - 22

We are two weeks from mid-terms, so ensure you are asking questions and coming in for help on Monday or Wednesday after school.

This week, we are continuing Exponents. The following assignements will be done:

Monday Worksheets (continued from Friday of last week)
Exponent Lesson 1 worksheet (to be complete for Tuesday)
1-32 Square Roots and Cubes
5-2 Order of Operations
Page 56, questions 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21

Tuesday and Thursday
Exponents Lesson 2 worksheet
Page 61, questions 4 to 10 (inclusive)
Order of Operations (no calculator!) page 66, questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 10

Wednesday, we will write a quiz.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Week of October 4 - 8

This is a short week for students. Thursday and Friday, there is no school. There is not school, as well, on Monday, October 11th.

Monday, students who do not have their work done, will work during class and stay after school if they are not done. We are at the end of the unit on Square Roots and Surface Area. Those who have their homework done on Monday and all work caught up will partake in the Amazing Area Race. I am still missing some work and class activities!

For those who did not complete their work in class on Friday, homework for Monday, October 4th is page 40: 3, 4, and 5. Students have access to their textbook online (see my last blog) and there are YouTube videos they can watch if they do not understand a concept (just google what you don't know). They can also refer to the note section of their note book, the text book, or my wiki site for more information. I have shown and explained the variety of ways they can access information if they do not understand. I am available too for extra help - before your work is due!

Tuesday, students will design a play centre for a child using a variety of shapes. The shapes will create a composite object for which students will find the surface area. The assignment is due at the end of class.

Wednesday, a guest speaker will be in.

The unit Test will be held on Wednesday, October 13th. We will begin the next math unit on Tuesday, October 12th - Powers and Exponent Laws.

Have a nice weekend.
Ms. Norman

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week of September 27 to October 1

This week, students will write a test on Square Root and Area of circles, squares and recatngles. Included in shapes are composite objects. If you don't understand a math vocabulary word, look it up in your text book glossary or refer to your own vocabulary in your notebook.

Students completed practice test on page 21 to prepare for Wedesday.

Ms. Norman

September 2010

Thank you for being patiently waiting for my blog to start for the year. I have included everything in this blog we have completed in Math 9 thus far this year. If you are wondering if you (or if you are wondering if your child!) owes me work, please refer to Homework Hour from the GMCS homepage.

If you would like additional notes taken in class, click the link to my Wikisite where I am able to place attachments.

EVERY student has the ability to log on to the Internet and access the ENTIRE math text book. This new text, titled Math Makes Sense, is user friendly and has examples for every type of question we will attempt in class. The logon is with login grandmanan_student and passcode student2010

In addition to the text as a resource, students have four main sections in their three ring binder. Their work is in the first section, notes in the second and vocabulary in the third. In the fourth section, they place tests and quizzes at the back of their three ring binder. Every student requires to have their own calculator.

In grade 9 math, I offer extra help after school on Wednesdays. I can help at other times upon request, but I coach the Cross Country team on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and when not at Cross Contry I have Senior Drama on Tuesday and Thursday after school. However, my classroom students come first, so if you need help - do not hesitate to ask. Morning and lunchtime help is always available in addition to after school.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Math 9

I will do a quick review and answer any questions in my classroom beginning at 7:45 am Monday before the exam.

Every students MUST have pencil, eraser, calculator for the Math 9 exam.

Think logic and remember the tricks!
Ms. Norman

Monday, June 7, 2010

Math Help

Math help will follow the following schedule beginning at 3pm each afternoon:

Monday - students complete outstanding tests and corrections.
Tuesday - Polynomials and Exponent Laws
Wednesday - Slope/Equation of a Line
Thursday - Triangles and Congruency/ Fractions and other!

Science students may come in any day for help.

As I have said in class - we have been training for the "marathon" all year. Now is not the time to give up! We only have a mile to go.

Ms. Norman

Friday, June 4, 2010

Exam Review Science Tests week of June 7th

Monday, Science "10" will write a test on microscopes, Mitosis, cell organelles and function and cell theory. This is a test missed week of June 1st due to the MANY activities going on in the school.

Science 9 and 10 will have a test on Meiosis Wednesday to review for exam. These tests will count towards marks and are in more of a quiz form to encourage study and review!

My wiki has all science information and students have all been given review sheets (which are also on my wiki!)

Ms. Norman

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

REVISED !!!! Exam Schedule

As of FRIDAY, JUNE 4TH the exam schedule is as follows for my classes: Students must be in the exam area by 8:15am and must stay in the exam room a minimum of 1 hour once exams begin.

Monday, June 14th at 8:20am English 112/113 AND Math 9
Wednesday, June 16th at 8:20am Science 9 and "10"

Review sheets are on my wiki. Follow the outline of the review and you should be fine! Good luck to all and thanks for another great school year.

Ms. Norman

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Science 9 Chapter 5 and 6 test

Test on Wednesday, May 12 (students were informed of this test on May 3rd)

The following text book pages are included on the test. Pages 138 - 155, 158 - 161, 174 - 182, 194 - 197.

Cancer terms: Benign, Stem cells, Cancer, Malignant, Carcinogen, Mutation, Cloning, tumour
Phases of mitosis: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase or telophase and cytokInesis
DNA - draw a model and label it (C-G, T-A, SUGAR, NUCLEOTIDE, PHOSPHATE)
Types of asexual reproduction

Good luck and happy studying.
Ms. Norman

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Science 9/"10" unit test - Wednesday, April 14th

GRADE 9 TEST STUDY GUIDE - (hard copy given out in class!)
Atoms and Elements

Atoms and Elements
• Properties of Matter
o Chemical and Physical Properties (page 16 – 19)
o Changes in Matter (page 28 – 30)
o WHIMS and symbols (page 14)
o Corrosion (page 34 – 35)
o Combustion (page 39 – Fire Triangle)
• Physical and Chemical Changes
o Physical Change
o Chemical Change
• Models of Matter (The particle Theory page 44 – 47)
o Pure Substances
 Elements
 Compounds
o Mixtures
 Heterogeneous
 Homogeneous
• Atoms, Molecules and the Atmosphere (page 58 – 61)
• Bill Nye – The Atmosphere (question sheet)
• Developing Models of Matter (page 82 – 85)
o Dalton and the Atomic Theory
o Thompson
 The Electron
 The Raison Bun Model of the Atom
o Rutherford’s Experiment and his model for the Atom
 nucleus
o Bohr’s Experiment and his model for the Atom
• Structure of the Atom (page 87 – 89)
o Protons
o Electrons
o Neutrons
o Nucleus
 Atomic mass
 Neutron
 Protons
• Bohr Model – Bohr-Rutherford Model (page 92 – 93)
• The Periodic Table (page 104 – 105, 110 – 113)
o Symbols and Formulas
o Families of Elements
o Metals
o Non-metals
o Metalloids
o Groups/Periods

Monday, March 29, 2010

Parent and Students Interviews

For parent-teacher interviews, I prefer for students to accompany their parents to the interviews. It is always a positive thing when students can hear nice things said about them!

Interview times are Wednesday, March 31st from 6 - 8pm and on Thursday, April 1st from 9 - 11am.

Students do not have classes beginning Thursday of interviews, Good Friday or Easter Monday.

I look forward to seeing everyone.
Ms. Norman

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Math 9

The main portion of Math 9 midterm is EXPONENTS. Each student has a minimum of two exponent sheets in their notebooks - make sure you memorize the rules! We have practiced lots in the classroom too. All the math includes integer adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing: all of which we have been working on since September.

The math midterm will also include polynomials. My wiki has the powerpoints we looked at in class. All year I have been emphasizing the notes section of your math book - so now would be a good time to go through those notes and modelled examples of everything we have done.

I have confidence in you!
Good Luck.

Ms. Norman

Science 9 / 10 Midterm REview

Science 9 Review Midterm March 2010
STUDY your SPACE TEST. THE MIDTERM IS MULTIPLE CHOICE. In addition you should know and understand concepts such as: revolution and rotation of planers, earth’s rotation and revolution pertaining to the seasons, absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude. This information in your text book, online on my wiki site and we watched Bill Nye too! Here are the text book pages and topics you are responsible for:

Chapter 13
Page 400 - 402, 13.1 (What can we see in the sky?)
* VOCABULARY WORDS universe, astronomy, constellations, solar system, nonluminous, luminous, star, plane
* the difference between planets and stars (Table 1, page 402)

Page 404 - 405, 13.3 (The effects of Planetary Motion)
* VOCABULARY WORDS rotation, axis, revolution, Polaris, Sirius, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, zodiac constellations, constellations
* understand the difference between rotation and revolution, and be able to give examples of each relating to space

Page 418 - 419, 13.10 (The Solar System)
* VOCABULARY WORDS Sun, orbits, orbital period, ellipse, elliptical orbit,
* Why do surface temperatures differ?

Page 424 - 428, 13.14 (A closer look at the planets)
* VOCABULARY WORDS terrestrial planets, inner planers, outer planets
* main features of each planet (taken from the group handouts we took notes from in class)
* how the planets orbit
* the order of the planets from the sun

Page 430 - 433 (Other objects in the solar system)
* VOCABULARY WORDS satellites, moon, asteroids, asteroid belt, meteoroid, meteor, meteorite, comet

Chapter 14
Page 438 - 439 (Ideas about the Universe)
* VOCABULARY WORDS galaxy, Milky Way, Galileo, Sun-centred solar system

Page 452 - 45, 14.7 (The Sun: An Important Star)
* VOCABULARY WORDS nuclear fusion, photosphere, chromosphere, corona

Page 458 - 460, 14.10 (Characteristics of Stars)
* VOCABULARY WORDS stars, color, temperature, spectroscope, visible spectrum, apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude
* What does the color of a star tell us about temperature?

Page 461 - 463, 14.11 (Galaxies and Star Clusters)
* VOCABULARY WORDS giant spiral galaxy, spiral galaxy, barred-spiral, quasars, star clusters

We also watched Bill Nye The Moon, Bill Nye The Seasons, Bill Nye The Planets.
You are able to see many of Bill Nye clips on YouTube if you want to reference back.

These pages include only: 14, 16 - 19, 28 - 29, 30, 34, 38 - 39.

We completed an in class lab on Physical Properties of Matter and discussed the difference between qualitative and quantitative properties. Our lab included properties of matter we describe with our senses.
MATTER Review the definitions in your text of all vocabulary words. My BLOG has all the pages you should review and my WIKI has all the notes we have taken.

a. Malleability f. ductility b. Hardness g. State c. Density
h. Precipitate d. Viscosity i. Solubility e. Corrosion j. Luster

( b) 1. an objects resistance to being scratched.
( f ) 2. When an object can be drawn into a thin wire.
(d) 3. Refers to how easily a liquid flows.
( i ) 4. Is the ability of a substance to dissolve.
( h ) 5. Cloudiness formed when two substances are mixed together.
( c ) 6. Is the amount of a mass per unit volume of matter.
( j ) 7. Whether an object shines.
( e ) 8. slow chemical change when a metal reacts with oxygen
( a ) 9. When a substance can be hammered or bent into different shapes.
( g ) 10. Whether an object is a solid, liquid or gas.

2. The following are examples of chemical or physical change (see page 28 and 29)
Changing an objects shape  (Physical)
Complete change in colour  (Chemical or Physical)
Hard to reverse  (Chemical)
Change in state  (Physical)
Heat or light is given off  (Chemical)

Three chemical properties of matter: combustibility, reaction with an acid, flammability (see page 18 and 19); The physical properties of matter noted on (page 16 and 17); Three components are necessary for combustion: fuel, heat, oxygen (see page 38 and 39); Give one example of corrosion: rust (see page 34 and 35); you have noted tables; combustion pages 38 and 39 (don’t forget the fire triangle!)
Chapter 2; we started learning about the particle theory pn pages 44 – 45; we will continue from here AFTER midterms!

Good luck – study and do your best.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Science 9

We are doing group work in class this week along with review and notes for mid-terms next week. For the Matter Unit on the PARTICLE THEORY, Chapter 2, students have a number of vocabulary words they are using to formulate an analogy on a familiar topic. For example, vocabulary word ELEMENT is a basketball team. When the team plays against another team the game is a COMPOUND (two teams combined). When the team plays full court press, they represent a GAS and when they play zone the teams represent a SOLID.

There are some very creative ideas in the groups. I look forward to the in-class presentations on Thursday.

Ms. Norman

Monday, March 15, 2010

Science 9 - Monday, March 15

Chapter 2 - Particle TheoryIndividual work in class today:

1. Read pages 44, 45,46 and 47
2. Write definitions of bolded words in your notebook.
3. Copy over:
Table 1 page 44
Figure 1 page 45
Table 2 page 46

We have completed Chapter 1 and will have a quiz this week to prepare for our midterm next week.

Ms. Norman

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week of March 8 - 12 and MID-TERM SCHEDULE

Science 9 - homework for March 8th from page 14 and 15 in text book. Draw symbols in notebook from Table 1 and Table 2. For mid-term know symbols, shapes of symbols and color scheme. What does WHMIS stand for? At home, find 3 things at home tonight, name the product and tell me what WHMIS symbols are on it. What are the symbols for? Where and how are the items stored?
Page 15 - use your smarts, and answer questions a) to j) Part 2.

English 113 and 112: we have started our novels in class. Each class should have Chapter 1 questions complete in class (or handed in at the beginning of class on Wednesday, March 10th).

Math 9 - we have started polynomials and will be doing exercises on Wednesday. Please have the 5 practice questions given on March 8th complete for class Wednesday.

English 112/113 - Monday, March 22nd, first block
Math 9 - Tuesday, March 23rd, second block
Science 9 - Wednesday, March 24th, third block
Science "10" - Friday, March 26th, last block

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Before March Break TEST SCHEDULE

Math 9 will write a test on Scientific Notation, Exponent Rules and Square Root on Thursday, February 25th during 2nd block.

Science 9 (and "10") will write a test on Chapter 13 pages: 400 – 402, 404 – 405, 418 – 419, 424 – 428, 430 – 433. Using these pages and your classroom learning, a question sheet will be answered in full sentences and paragraphs (where necessary). Marks are rewarded for proper spelling, organization and thought. Make sure you bring something to write with and looseleaf to write on!

Both subjects have reference material posted on my blog and wikisites.
Ms. Norman

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hi everyone, I hope your week is going well. The marking of ELPA is going well for me and the students all seem to be doing well.

I look forward to seeing you next week. I hope you are being helpful in the classroom. Work smart and have fun.

Ms. Norman

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MATH 9 extra help

Extra help is given every Wednesday after school from 3pm to 4pm. This week, February 10th, we will be working on fractions and order of operations. Any other math help is welcome too! In class we have been working on exponents.

I will be away next Wedensday (February 7th).

Ms. Norman

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Science 9
I have placed a review sheet on my wiki-site. This study guide can be checked off each item once you have read and studied the notes to ensure you have covered all the material this term. HINT: study the tests and answers you have in your notebook!

You will write your Science exam on Friday, January 29th at 8:20am in the Great Hall.
Bring a minimum of 2 sharp pencils and an eraser.

Math 9
Make sure you review the (hand-written 24 page) package I gave you on all the math we covered this term. This covers all material. Make special note of equation of the line (Y = mx + b) and what each portion of this equation means. Make special note of linear, parabolic and exponential curves.

You will write your Math exam on Thursday, January 28th at 8:20am in the Great Hall. Bring a minimum of 2 sharp pencils, an eraser, calculator and rualar with you.

Best of the exam spirits! I know you will do well.
Get a good nights sleep the night before.

Ms. Norman

Monday, January 18, 2010

Exam Schedule

Students should prepare themselves for exams by studying their notes and referring back to work covered over the term. English students may find it useful to review the movies watched in class, and reading through the novels again for key chapters.

BE PREPARED for your exam. Bring sharp pencils, and/or pens along with ruler, calculator and erasers if required. Notes will not be used, not are ipods or other musical devices allowed.

Advance to my wiki site for additional notes and PowerPoints studied in class.
Good luck to all.
Ms. Norman

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Math and Science

There will be a review test in both Science and Math on Tuesday, January 19th. This test is on all material covered since mid-terms and is intended as a review for exams next week.

Science 9 exam begins at 8:20am in the Great Hall on Friday, January 29.

Math 9 exam begins at 8:20am in the Great Hall on Thursday, January 28.

Subject help is available after school until Thursday, January 21st. Students are welcome to study in my classroom at any time when I am present during exam week.

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