We are through with mid-terms and onto another quarter of our school year. Parent-Teacher (and students are welcome too!) interviews are November 18th and 19th. I will post the hours as soon as I know them.
All student worksheets and solutions are posted on my wiki-link from this blog site. If a student is not in class, they simply check the lesson and date they miss. Students must show all sketches, formulas and work for credit. Math without work is a picture without color. Although no color is nice at times, there is a better image if color is shown. In other words, I can not tell your math method unless you show me HOW you arrived at an answers. A list of answers is not the process!
Stay tuned!
Ms. Norman
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link: http://msnormanwiki.wikispaces.com/
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010