We will be going ahead as planned for the Enrichment Presentation tomorrow (Thursday) in math class. Parents and family are invited to join us in room 45 from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Students have one presentation each to present. We look forward to seeing you.
Ms. Norman
Grand Manan Community School
Ms. Norman's wiki link: http://msnormanwiki.wikispaces.com/
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is www.mathmakessense.ca . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This is what you must have complete by end of day on Wednesday:
Page 104 questions 1 - 6
Page 105 questions 9 - 14
Handout - exercise 3.2
Page 110 questions 1 - 8
Page 128 - 129
Thursday is our presentation day. Parents and family are invited to our Math Enrichment presentation at 12:30 pm - 1:30pm.
Page 104 questions 1 - 6
Page 105 questions 9 - 14
Handout - exercise 3.2
Page 110 questions 1 - 8
Page 128 - 129
Thursday is our presentation day. Parents and family are invited to our Math Enrichment presentation at 12:30 pm - 1:30pm.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Term test on Tuesday
Math 9 - we will have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th. This test is on probability, relative frequency, graphing and equation of the line. We will begin our review tomorrow, and we will also have a full review on Monday before the test. See my last homework blog entry for your homework assignment - some of you are behind!!
Math projects were due today as our formal presentations are next Thursday, December 18th from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. All parents and family are invited to attend our presentation in Room 45.
English 123 - The Chrysalids Trailer project is due tomorrow, Friday, December 12th. The videos are looking grand! Well done everyone. We will play the videos for the school in January at our next WOW Ceremony.
We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th. The test will include a short reading and response question, opinion question, and paraphrasing, and summarizing question.
Due Friday, December 12th at the end of class:
All Quiet on the Western Front (page 64)
1. Read story as a group
2. Note words you do not know, look up their meaning in the context of the story:
3. Note interesting phrases, or phrases which stand out to you (there should be a minimum of two). Write down the interesting phrase, discuss the meaning with those in your group.
4. Individually, answer THINKING questions (page 67)
5. Page 68 – Housewife: in your journal, answer the questions before you read the poem.
6. Answer THINKING questions (page 69) to pass in.
7. In your journal, answer WRITING questions (page 69) in your journal.
NOTE: this exercise should be thought provoking and a chance for self-reflecting. Go with it!
English 113 - We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th which will include letter writing, reading and response and true/false, fill-in-the-blank question.
We have one week to go before break and there are many activities for students. Try and stay focused! Before you know it, school will be out for this year, 2008.
Ms. Norman
Math projects were due today as our formal presentations are next Thursday, December 18th from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. All parents and family are invited to attend our presentation in Room 45.
English 123 - The Chrysalids Trailer project is due tomorrow, Friday, December 12th. The videos are looking grand! Well done everyone. We will play the videos for the school in January at our next WOW Ceremony.
We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th. The test will include a short reading and response question, opinion question, and paraphrasing, and summarizing question.
Due Friday, December 12th at the end of class:
All Quiet on the Western Front (page 64)
1. Read story as a group
2. Note words you do not know, look up their meaning in the context of the story:
3. Note interesting phrases, or phrases which stand out to you (there should be a minimum of two). Write down the interesting phrase, discuss the meaning with those in your group.
4. Individually, answer THINKING questions (page 67)
5. Page 68 – Housewife: in your journal, answer the questions before you read the poem.
6. Answer THINKING questions (page 69) to pass in.
7. In your journal, answer WRITING questions (page 69) in your journal.
NOTE: this exercise should be thought provoking and a chance for self-reflecting. Go with it!
English 113 - We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th which will include letter writing, reading and response and true/false, fill-in-the-blank question.
We have one week to go before break and there are many activities for students. Try and stay focused! Before you know it, school will be out for this year, 2008.
Ms. Norman
Monday, December 8, 2008
Last leg before the holiday
Math 9 - for Wednesday's class, you should have completed the following:
Page 104 questions 1 - 6
Page 105 questions 9 - 14
Handout - exercise 3.2
Page 110 questions 1 - 8
English 123 - scripts are due for The Chrysalids trailer this Friday and the complete trailer is due by Tuesday, December 16th. We will have a quiz each Wednesday before the break.
English 113 - preliminary scripts for the documentary are due on Friday. This script should reflect your ideas and what you are going to film. We will have a quiz before each Wednesday before the break.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Homework Lunch
Thank you to all students and parents who came to parent/teacher interviews. It was of great benefit to meet you and hopefully you learned a little about me as well.
I have posted all Homework Lunch candidates on the Homework Lunch space on the GMCS website. There are a number of assignments overdue in English 123 and 113.
If you miss your weekly quiz (every Wednesday - for all classes); it is up to you to write it the following noon beginning at 11:45 to 12:15. Missed quizzes are also posted on Homework Lunch. This includes students in English 113, 123 and Math 9.
English 123 - you should be writing scripts and planning your video shoots with your group. This project is due on December 12th - no exceptions. This includes the complete video with computer work done!
English 113 - Next week, we are starting a documentary project on an aspect of Grand Manan. You should be thinking of a topic to discuss in class on Monday.
Math 9 - On Friday, November 28th, we will spend the second class working on our projects. Please bring in what you need to work on your project.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Report cards went home with students today. Parent Teacher interviews begin tomorrow, Wednesday, from 6:30pm to 8pm and again on Thursday, 9am to 12:00pm. I will place a sign up sheet outside my door if parents are interested in signing up. If there is no one in my room, please feel free to pop your head in my door if it is open during parent teacher interview hours.
English 113 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect. Students have been reminded many times of the original due date.
Beginning this week, there will be a weekly quiz on Wednesday to assess language skills and exercise knowledge from the week prior. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension, editing, and short story writing.
Students who did not complete the writing assignment today (4 Christmas lines that have 10 syllably and rhyme) have homework tonight. This is part of the project for our Christmas concert presentation.
English 123 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect.
A weekly quiz will be given on Wedesdays for the remainder of this term. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension.
Presently, students are working on a group video project for The Chrysalids (due December 12). Students had eMac training today to edit work they will video over the next few weeks. Students are also encouraged to work on their indpendant novel project (due January 9th).
Math 9 - students should be working on their math projects due December 11th. These projects will be presented to parents and administrators on December 18th in our class. Please mark this date in your calendar from 12:30 to 1:30pm. We look forward to having your enjoy our variety of projects.
Classes end on December 19th for the Christmas Holidays.
English 113 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect. Students have been reminded many times of the original due date.
Beginning this week, there will be a weekly quiz on Wednesday to assess language skills and exercise knowledge from the week prior. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension, editing, and short story writing.
Students who did not complete the writing assignment today (4 Christmas lines that have 10 syllably and rhyme) have homework tonight. This is part of the project for our Christmas concert presentation.
English 123 - there are projects missing (due date November 14th). If these overdue projects are not submitted by Monday, November 24th, automatic Saturday School will be in effect.
A weekly quiz will be given on Wedesdays for the remainder of this term. Tomorrow, a quiz will be given on reading comprehension.
Presently, students are working on a group video project for The Chrysalids (due December 12). Students had eMac training today to edit work they will video over the next few weeks. Students are also encouraged to work on their indpendant novel project (due January 9th).
Math 9 - students should be working on their math projects due December 11th. These projects will be presented to parents and administrators on December 18th in our class. Please mark this date in your calendar from 12:30 to 1:30pm. We look forward to having your enjoy our variety of projects.
Classes end on December 19th for the Christmas Holidays.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Missing Work

I am missing some work from students. As a result, I am unable to complete marks for student report cards. Those students will receive an incomplete unless I receive the work by Wednesday morning. Please check the homework blog to see if your name appears.
I will update the homework blog Monday morning in hopes work was dropped off during Saturday school.
Ms. Norman
Friday, November 7, 2008
Remembrance Day - If you can't remember war, think of peace.
There are a number of projects students should be working on over the next few days in order to make the deadlines. These assignments have been posted in class, discussed in class, and worked on in class over the past few weeks ................... right???
Parent/Teacher meetings are Wednesday, November 19th from 6:30 t0 8pm and on Thursday, November 20th from 9am to 12pm. I am located in room 45. I enjoy having students and parents meet with me together - and encourage parents to bring them along.
English 123
Choose one of the options below. Deadline: November 14th.
This project is worth 15% (students have the rubric for this project)
Your choices
1. DESIGN THE FRONT PAGE OF A NEWSPAPER. Write a short news story describing the major event in the book. Include an attention grabbing headline and teasers for the rest of the paper. This is to look like a newspaper so make sure you use a front page of an actual paper to guide the development of your design.
2. CREATE AN EYE-CATCHING POSTER. Choose a scene from the book and cast it in a poster that would attract potential readers or buyers to the book. All work must be hand-drawn / painted. Significant images, symbols, etc. must be used and explained. You must also decide upon a border for your poster that is significant to the text. You poster must include the title, author’s name, a brief summary of the book (written by you) as well as 5 significant quotes from the text. This must be done on one piece of bristol board.
3. COMPILE A SCRAPBOOK OR A MEMORY BOX. Choose one of the major characters in the book, and, as that person, put together a scrapbook or memory box of special memories and mementoes. Be true to the character. This memory box must include 10 significant items that were mentioned or referred to in the novel. It could be a fictional letter from another character, an item that was mentioned, pictures that are significant etc.
4. DESIGN A JEOPARDY GAME. Using the jeopardy game as your model, design a game that includes questions related to the novel. You are to have 5 categories with 5 questions for each category. You could have topics such as characters, themes, relationships, The Fringes etc. You will have to watch the show to get the full effect of how the game is designed.
5. You have been hired by a publishing company to adapt The Chrysalids to an illustrated children’s book. You are to focus your story for a target audience of children aged five to ten. Your story must incorporate a minimum of five illustrations with additional illustrations and titling on the book’s front and back covers. You are not expected to cover every aspect of the novel – choosing the most significant events will be imperative. Remember your audience. Keep it simple, but remember the magic of exemplary story-telling.
English 123 students are also working on a group project video of The Chrysalids due December 12th AND an individual novel project due January 9th.
English 113
Hunter in the Dark Novel Project
Deadline: November 14th. This project is worth 15%.
Directions: Select and complete one activity from each section. Create your project to be insightful, rich with detail, accurate, vivid in imagery and diverse in wording.
Section 1: Character
1. Write a bio-poem about yourself and another about a main character in the book, to show how you and the character are alike and different. Be sure to include the most important traits in each poem.
2. A character in the book is being written about in the paper 20 years after the novel ends. Write the article for the paper. Where has life taken this character? Why? Now, do the same for yourself 20 years from now. Make sure both pieces are interesting, feature-type articles.
3. You’re a “profiler.” Write and illustrate a full and useful profile of an interesting character from the book with emphasis on personality traits and other observations. Profile yourself in the same way. Are there similarities or differences?
Section 2: Setting
1. Research a town or place you feel is equivalent to the one in which the novel is set. Use maps, sketches, population, and other demographic data to help you draw comparisons and contrasts.
2. Make a model or a map of a key place in your life (or where you may want to go someday) and of an important place in the novel. Find a way to express why these places are important in your life and in the character’s life.
3. The time and place in which people find themselves and in which events shape people and events in important ways. Find a way to convincingly prove that idea using the book and your own life.
Section 3: Theme
1. Find out about famous people in history or current events whose experiences and lives reflect the essential themes of your novel. Show what you have learned.
2. Create a multimedia presentation that fully explores a key theme from the novel. Use at least three media (for example, music, painting, poetry, sculpture, photography, and calligraphy) in your exploration. Draw at least two comparisons or contrasts between themes in your life and in the novel.
3. Find several songs you think reflect an important message from the book. Prepare an audio collage, write an accompanying card that helps listeners understand why and how you think the songs express the book’s meaning. Do the same with your life and it’s themes.
Math 9
We have worked on individual math projects in three classes at the lab. Students choose a math topic they find challenging or interesting and prepare a presentation to present to parents and administration. This presentation will be done on December 18th from 12:30 - 2pm. The presentations may not take that long - but all are invited to room 45 for coffee and cookies to enjoy our students' success!
Some project presentations include: Rubric Cube, Math Tricks, Physics of Skate Boarding, Pythagoras Theorem.
Parent/Teacher meetings are Wednesday, November 19th from 6:30 t0 8pm and on Thursday, November 20th from 9am to 12pm. I am located in room 45. I enjoy having students and parents meet with me together - and encourage parents to bring them along.
English 123
Choose one of the options below. Deadline: November 14th.
This project is worth 15% (students have the rubric for this project)
Your choices
1. DESIGN THE FRONT PAGE OF A NEWSPAPER. Write a short news story describing the major event in the book. Include an attention grabbing headline and teasers for the rest of the paper. This is to look like a newspaper so make sure you use a front page of an actual paper to guide the development of your design.
2. CREATE AN EYE-CATCHING POSTER. Choose a scene from the book and cast it in a poster that would attract potential readers or buyers to the book. All work must be hand-drawn / painted. Significant images, symbols, etc. must be used and explained. You must also decide upon a border for your poster that is significant to the text. You poster must include the title, author’s name, a brief summary of the book (written by you) as well as 5 significant quotes from the text. This must be done on one piece of bristol board.
3. COMPILE A SCRAPBOOK OR A MEMORY BOX. Choose one of the major characters in the book, and, as that person, put together a scrapbook or memory box of special memories and mementoes. Be true to the character. This memory box must include 10 significant items that were mentioned or referred to in the novel. It could be a fictional letter from another character, an item that was mentioned, pictures that are significant etc.
4. DESIGN A JEOPARDY GAME. Using the jeopardy game as your model, design a game that includes questions related to the novel. You are to have 5 categories with 5 questions for each category. You could have topics such as characters, themes, relationships, The Fringes etc. You will have to watch the show to get the full effect of how the game is designed.
5. You have been hired by a publishing company to adapt The Chrysalids to an illustrated children’s book. You are to focus your story for a target audience of children aged five to ten. Your story must incorporate a minimum of five illustrations with additional illustrations and titling on the book’s front and back covers. You are not expected to cover every aspect of the novel – choosing the most significant events will be imperative. Remember your audience. Keep it simple, but remember the magic of exemplary story-telling.
English 123 students are also working on a group project video of The Chrysalids due December 12th AND an individual novel project due January 9th.
English 113
Hunter in the Dark Novel Project
Deadline: November 14th. This project is worth 15%.
Directions: Select and complete one activity from each section. Create your project to be insightful, rich with detail, accurate, vivid in imagery and diverse in wording.
Section 1: Character
1. Write a bio-poem about yourself and another about a main character in the book, to show how you and the character are alike and different. Be sure to include the most important traits in each poem.
2. A character in the book is being written about in the paper 20 years after the novel ends. Write the article for the paper. Where has life taken this character? Why? Now, do the same for yourself 20 years from now. Make sure both pieces are interesting, feature-type articles.
3. You’re a “profiler.” Write and illustrate a full and useful profile of an interesting character from the book with emphasis on personality traits and other observations. Profile yourself in the same way. Are there similarities or differences?
Section 2: Setting
1. Research a town or place you feel is equivalent to the one in which the novel is set. Use maps, sketches, population, and other demographic data to help you draw comparisons and contrasts.
2. Make a model or a map of a key place in your life (or where you may want to go someday) and of an important place in the novel. Find a way to express why these places are important in your life and in the character’s life.
3. The time and place in which people find themselves and in which events shape people and events in important ways. Find a way to convincingly prove that idea using the book and your own life.
Section 3: Theme
1. Find out about famous people in history or current events whose experiences and lives reflect the essential themes of your novel. Show what you have learned.
2. Create a multimedia presentation that fully explores a key theme from the novel. Use at least three media (for example, music, painting, poetry, sculpture, photography, and calligraphy) in your exploration. Draw at least two comparisons or contrasts between themes in your life and in the novel.
3. Find several songs you think reflect an important message from the book. Prepare an audio collage, write an accompanying card that helps listeners understand why and how you think the songs express the book’s meaning. Do the same with your life and it’s themes.
Math 9
We have worked on individual math projects in three classes at the lab. Students choose a math topic they find challenging or interesting and prepare a presentation to present to parents and administration. This presentation will be done on December 18th from 12:30 - 2pm. The presentations may not take that long - but all are invited to room 45 for coffee and cookies to enjoy our students' success!
Some project presentations include: Rubric Cube, Math Tricks, Physics of Skate Boarding, Pythagoras Theorem.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

English 113
In class today, we reviewed and discussed numerous quotes from Hunter in the Dark and answered Multiple Choice questions in preparation for the mid-term on Friday. Students were given a sheet with 5 essay choices; the choices are mini-essay topics from Hunter in the Dark where personal expression and novel examples are expected. This "essay" format is similar to two previous tests given. Students will choose and write about one of the topics.
Sample question: In this novel, the word "cataract" means: a type of tree, an eye problem, a waterfall, a bird
English 123
In class today, we read Chapter 16 of The Chrysalids. There is one chapter remaining of which we will read tomorrow. Monday is our exam; for which the format will be similar to what we have done in previous tests.
True or False: David's Aunt Emily was turned away by his parents.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Due Dates
Math 9 - to be completed for Wednesday, October 29th up to the end of question 9 on page 348. As noted from class today, the in-class experiment and all questions on page 346 - 348 (8.3) up to the end of question 9 will be collected.
You should be working on your math projects due November 28th. Parents will be invited to our class early in December for presentations (coffee and cookies too!).
English 123 - we have read up to the end of Chapter 15. There are two chapters to go!
Chapter 13 questions are due at the beginning of class on Wednesday (tomorrow).
The Chrysalids project is due November 14th. Choose one project from the hand-out given in class.
English 113 - the Romeo and Juliet assignment is due tomorrow (Wednesday). All three pages, complete with answers, should be handed in at the beginning of class.
The Hunter in the Dark project is due November 14th. Choose one project from each of the three categories.
You should be working on your math projects due November 28th. Parents will be invited to our class early in December for presentations (coffee and cookies too!).
English 123 - we have read up to the end of Chapter 15. There are two chapters to go!
Chapter 13 questions are due at the beginning of class on Wednesday (tomorrow).
The Chrysalids project is due November 14th. Choose one project from the hand-out given in class.
English 113 - the Romeo and Juliet assignment is due tomorrow (Wednesday). All three pages, complete with answers, should be handed in at the beginning of class.
The Hunter in the Dark project is due November 14th. Choose one project from each of the three categories.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Week of Halloween!

English 113 - Your mid-term is this Friday, October 31st during class. We will review Hunter in the Dark this week and discuss Romeo and Juliet too! If you look over chapter questions, listen to discussion in class and make notes during review; you will have no problem with the mid-term. Good luck! Please come see me if you need help with anything.
Computer questions on Romeo and Juliet (Sheet 1) is due Monday, October 27th in class. Sheet 2 and 3 are due on Tuesday, October 28th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
Computer questions on Romeo and Juliet (Sheet 1) is due Monday, October 27th in class. Sheet 2 and 3 are due on Tuesday, October 28th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
1. What drug did Mike look up in a book at the library when he discovered he had lukemia?
2. What school trip was Mike not allowed to go on? Who did not let him go?
English 123 - We will finish The Chrysalids this week in class. Presently, we are reading Chapter 14. Due on Monday, October 27th is the Chapter 12 question sheet we did in the computer lab. Chapter 13 questions will be done during Monday's class, due on Wednesday, October 29th.
Here are some questions for you to try:
1. Sophie had six toes on each foot. How is this significant to the story?
2. David is the main character in the book. What is Rosalind's role?
Math 9 - Monday's class, October 27th, you will begin review for the mid-term (mid-term is November 6th during first block of our double-block). You will have a number of work-sheets to complete at your own pace during class this week along with continued work on probability. Once you have completed all work-sheets, you should be prepared for the mid-term! I will offer extra help any day this week, up to Halloween, October 31st.
Here is a mini-review for SLOPE
Slope = m
Slope = Y/X
Slope = delta Y/delta X (subtract two Y points and two X points)
y = mx + b is equation of the line
y = y point
m = slope
x = x point
b = y-intercept
We will look at equation of a line (beginning page 106) on Tuesday.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Keep Up To Date!
If any of my students miss time, it is expected you will come and inquire about missing work. This week, in English 113, we watched the Romeo and Juliet movie (starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes). This week in English 123 we watched XMen 2000 (starring Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart etc). The XMen is a comparible theme to the novel The Chrysalids we continue to study.
Math 9 worksheets have been handed out and we are working on pages 100, 101 to 104 in the textbook. The topic is slope, m, delta Y over delta X.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Ms. Norman
Math 9 worksheets have been handed out and we are working on pages 100, 101 to 104 in the textbook. The topic is slope, m, delta Y over delta X.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Ms. Norman
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mid-terms begin October 31st
English 113
The mid-term for English 113 is on Friday, October 31st, first block. This mid-term will include two topics: Hunter in the Dark novel and Romeo and Juliet movie. Within the exam, students will be expected to write short and long essay answers, do multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, and fully answer personal opinion questions. As in every assignment, students are graded on full sentence structure and proper paragraph form, thoroughness of thought, and comprehension (whether or not the QUESTION is answered!). Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.
English 123
The mid-term for English 123 is on Monday, November 3rd during 2nd block. This mid-term will be weighted in two areas. The majority of the mid-term will be on The Chrysalids novel and on a more minimal scale the XMen movie. Students are expected to write short and long essay answers, answer multiple-choice questions, and relate themes to excerpts from the novel. Every question is graded on thoroughness of thought, proper sentence structure and paragraph structure, and most importantly COMPREHENSION! Ensure you read the question TWICE before you answer to ensure you have answered the question asked. Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.
Math 9
The mid-term for Math is on Thursday, November 6th. This mid-term will include all work completed to date including: integers, fractions, scatter plots, order of operations. We will review everything in class before the mid-term and I am available to help before school, at lunch or after school most days up to Friday BEFORE the mid-term. The most important thing to remember for the mid-term: CHECK OVER YOUR WORK. There will be plenty of time to complete the mid-term. Please bring a ruler, two pencils, an eraser and a book with you to the mid-term. Calculators will not be necessary.
The mid-term for English 113 is on Friday, October 31st, first block. This mid-term will include two topics: Hunter in the Dark novel and Romeo and Juliet movie. Within the exam, students will be expected to write short and long essay answers, do multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, and fully answer personal opinion questions. As in every assignment, students are graded on full sentence structure and proper paragraph form, thoroughness of thought, and comprehension (whether or not the QUESTION is answered!). Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.
English 123
The mid-term for English 123 is on Monday, November 3rd during 2nd block. This mid-term will be weighted in two areas. The majority of the mid-term will be on The Chrysalids novel and on a more minimal scale the XMen movie. Students are expected to write short and long essay answers, answer multiple-choice questions, and relate themes to excerpts from the novel. Every question is graded on thoroughness of thought, proper sentence structure and paragraph structure, and most importantly COMPREHENSION! Ensure you read the question TWICE before you answer to ensure you have answered the question asked. Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.
Math 9
The mid-term for Math is on Thursday, November 6th. This mid-term will include all work completed to date including: integers, fractions, scatter plots, order of operations. We will review everything in class before the mid-term and I am available to help before school, at lunch or after school most days up to Friday BEFORE the mid-term. The most important thing to remember for the mid-term: CHECK OVER YOUR WORK. There will be plenty of time to complete the mid-term. Please bring a ruler, two pencils, an eraser and a book with you to the mid-term. Calculators will not be necessary.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thanksgiving and next week

Math 9
If you were not in class on Friday, October 10th: as per our conversation in class on the 9th, remember to bring in a one page outline of your Enrichment Math Project. This is due the first math class back following holidays. You should choose your project to incorporate math operations and equations as we discussed in class. Some ideas are: Rubik Cube, The Golden Ratio, Pythagoras Theorem, Stock Market, Aerodynamics etc.
I wish all my students a pleasant and safe holiday. See you on the 16th.
If you were not in class on Friday, October 10th: as per our conversation in class on the 9th, remember to bring in a one page outline of your Enrichment Math Project. This is due the first math class back following holidays. You should choose your project to incorporate math operations and equations as we discussed in class. Some ideas are: Rubik Cube, The Golden Ratio, Pythagoras Theorem, Stock Market, Aerodynamics etc.
I wish all my students a pleasant and safe holiday. See you on the 16th.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today's Recap
English 113
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil and your novel. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.
Numerous students in this class have over-do assignment for Computer lab and Chapter 4. Students are aware they owe assignments. These students are on home-work lunch to complete assignments.
We have finished reading the novel - Hunter in the Dark
English 123
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.
We have read up to the end of Chapter 11.
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil and your novel. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.
Numerous students in this class have over-do assignment for Computer lab and Chapter 4. Students are aware they owe assignments. These students are on home-work lunch to complete assignments.
We have finished reading the novel - Hunter in the Dark
English 123
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.
We have read up to the end of Chapter 11.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Extra Help, Homework and Hints
Math 9 - if you did not complete the math assignment today in class, due at the first of class on Thursday is:
Page 334/335 questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Page 341 questions 1, 2, 3
It may be helpful for your graphs to bring a ruler, graph paper, a couple of pen colours and a calculator to each class.
Hint: English 123 - The website noted below is an excellent resource to supplement class discussion on The Chrysalids. There are chapter summaries and commentary to deepen themes, discuss characterization etc.
November and Mid-term Exams will quickly fall upon our laps. For those looking for extra help, I am available on Monday and Wednesday after school or Tuesday to Thursday at lunch. Please let me know you require help and I will do my best to accommodate you.
Ms. Norman
Page 334/335 questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Page 341 questions 1, 2, 3
It may be helpful for your graphs to bring a ruler, graph paper, a couple of pen colours and a calculator to each class.
Hint: English 123 - The website noted below is an excellent resource to supplement class discussion on The Chrysalids. There are chapter summaries and commentary to deepen themes, discuss characterization etc.
November and Mid-term Exams will quickly fall upon our laps. For those looking for extra help, I am available on Monday and Wednesday after school or Tuesday to Thursday at lunch. Please let me know you require help and I will do my best to accommodate you.
Ms. Norman
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
English Tests on Friday, October 10th
English 123
These are your questions for Friday's test, October 10th.
The Chrysalids - Chapters 1 - 11
1. What are the two recurring dreams that David has? How are they both foreshadowing?
2. What is ironic about the following comment by the inspector: “Loyalty is a great virtue, but there is such a thing as misplaced loyalty. One day you will understand the importance of a greater loyalty. The Purity of the Race.” (pg. 58)
3. The characterization of a character is the creation of the image of persons in drama, narrative poetry, the novel, and the short story. Characterization generates plot and is revealed by actions, speech, thoughts, physical appearance, and the other characters’ thoughts or words about him. Write about the characterization of Uncle Axel. Use at least two quotes from the book to support your answer.
4. Write an outline for the next chapter of the novel. This should be done in point form. Then, write a paragraph of this outline summarizing the chapter. This should include what characters are involved, the setting, sequence of events etc.
English 113
These are your questions for the test on Friday, October 10th.
Hunter in the Dark
1. Imagine that you are Mike and you are back in the hospital for the fourth time. Write a properly formed letter to Doug, whom you haven’t seen before the hunting trip. In your letter summarize your hunt for the trophy buck. Be sure to include challenging moments for Mike. (value 7)
2. Chapter 8 takes us back to March, the month in which Mike first gets the idea to go hunting. “At first daydreaming about it was only a game to keep the dark at bay. But it was Doug who make it real.” (page 110). “Ever since Doug had taken over his dream and started to make it real, the darkness had retreated,” (page 113) (value 7)
a) State three specific ways Doug helps Mike’s dream come true.
b) Do you think Mike is right to become “crafty” and deceptive in order to reach his goal? Give reasons for your opinion.
3. Write a new ending to the book. This should be a (minimum of one) properly formed paragraph. Include details of the ending, who in involved and the setting etc. (value 6)
These are your questions for Friday's test, October 10th.
The Chrysalids - Chapters 1 - 11
1. What are the two recurring dreams that David has? How are they both foreshadowing?
2. What is ironic about the following comment by the inspector: “Loyalty is a great virtue, but there is such a thing as misplaced loyalty. One day you will understand the importance of a greater loyalty. The Purity of the Race.” (pg. 58)
3. The characterization of a character is the creation of the image of persons in drama, narrative poetry, the novel, and the short story. Characterization generates plot and is revealed by actions, speech, thoughts, physical appearance, and the other characters’ thoughts or words about him. Write about the characterization of Uncle Axel. Use at least two quotes from the book to support your answer.
4. Write an outline for the next chapter of the novel. This should be done in point form. Then, write a paragraph of this outline summarizing the chapter. This should include what characters are involved, the setting, sequence of events etc.
English 113
These are your questions for the test on Friday, October 10th.
Hunter in the Dark
1. Imagine that you are Mike and you are back in the hospital for the fourth time. Write a properly formed letter to Doug, whom you haven’t seen before the hunting trip. In your letter summarize your hunt for the trophy buck. Be sure to include challenging moments for Mike. (value 7)
2. Chapter 8 takes us back to March, the month in which Mike first gets the idea to go hunting. “At first daydreaming about it was only a game to keep the dark at bay. But it was Doug who make it real.” (page 110). “Ever since Doug had taken over his dream and started to make it real, the darkness had retreated,” (page 113) (value 7)
a) State three specific ways Doug helps Mike’s dream come true.
b) Do you think Mike is right to become “crafty” and deceptive in order to reach his goal? Give reasons for your opinion.
3. Write a new ending to the book. This should be a (minimum of one) properly formed paragraph. Include details of the ending, who in involved and the setting etc. (value 6)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Next Week - October 6 - 10
Next week is the last week before a break in classes for Thanksgiving. Students will not be in class again until Thursday, October 16th. With this break in school, my English class students (113 and 123) should be working on their Independent Novel project. For both classes, this project is worth 15% of the student term mark thus, expectation is high for a high quality project.
English quizzes are given every Friday and Math quizzes are given every Wednesday. This will continue until exams in January. Mid terms will be written the week of November 3rd. Parent teacher meetings will be on the 19th and 20th of November (times to be posted at a later date). My expectation is for students to accompany their parents to the interview if possible.
Take Your Child to Work Day is on Monday, November 10th. More details to follow regarding this. Students in high school will not be in class this day, or the next day, Remembrance Day.
Ms. Norman
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September 30th
English 113
We have read to page 84 of this terms novel, Hunter in the Dark. Along with questions and discussions for each chapter, the class will be working on a movie trailer as a group project.
All students have their independent novel chosen for their term project. Although this project is not due until January, there is an expectation that research and presentation quality is topnotch to fulfill a 15% mark. I am very proud of the students for their participation each day in class and expect no less for the quality of this project.
We had our first test on September 19th. Students were offered the opportunity to improve their mark with a re-write at noon, September 24th.
TODAY: we were in the computer lab and completed the following to be handed in following class on Wedensday:
Hunter in the Dark
Research and answer the questions below. Don’t forget to write down the website you find the information on! Hand in at the end of class. VALUE 30
1. Search Monica Hughes. Who is she? Where was she born? What did she win for writing this book? What are three other facts about her?
2. Where is Swan Hills? Write a brief description about the place, Swan Hills. What is the main industry, the population, and three facts about surrounding areas.
3. Beginning in Swan Hills, draw a map of the area to include Fort Assiniboine, Freeman Hills and the river where Mike is camping (reference is on page 2).
4. What is Vincristine (reference is on page 74)? Research and explain what it is.
5. We know from the novel, Mike has acute lymphocytic leukemia (reference is on page 74). Describe what leukemia is using the term white blood cells in your explanation.
6. Mike’s class went to Jasper on a ski trip. Where is Jasper located and what is the name of the ski hill? What is the highest peak on this mountain?
7. Research Canadian Hunting Safety Tips and discuss two of them. What website did you find the Hunting Safety tips on?Research and draw a Weatherby Mark V de luxe bolt action .257 with a 24-inch barrel gun (description on page 17). What year was this gun introduced? Note: You may have to try a couple of websites to get this information.Extension:Reflecting on what you have learned about leukemia, write an account of how you would feel if you were told you had the sickness. Do you know anyone who has this? Explain.
English 123
We have read to page 83 of The Chrysalids. As a group, we read and do group work to answer chapter questions for The Chrysalids. There are many class discussions to ensure students understand the terminology and sequence of the novel. As a result of each students participation, I nominated the entire class for a WAY TO GO award last Friday held in the Great Hall. It is wonderful to hear this class read to each other.
We had our first test on September 19th on Chapters 1 - 5 of The Chrysalids. Students were offered the opportunity to improve their mark with a re-write at noon, September 24th.
Independent novels for their individual projects should be confirmed with me. Although the deadline for this project is not until January, this is an extensive project worth 15% and is expected to be of high quality in research and presentation. Every student has the Rubric and outline for this project.
TODAY: in the computer lab, we worked on the following questions due following class on Wednesday:
The Chrysalids
Research and answer the questions below. Don’t forget to write down the website you find the information on! Hand in at the end of class. VALUE 30
1. Search John Wyndham. Who is he? What is his full name? What are three other facts about him (such as, where did he live?).
2. What year was John Wyndham born? What year did he pass away?
3. What does chrysalid mean in scientific terms? Explain.
4. In the novel, David has telepathic powers. What is telepathy? After researching, explain in your own words. Have you ever had a “telepathic experience?” Explain.
5. The Chrysalids has been compared to the movie The XMen. In what two ways are they comparable? In what two ways are they different?
6. As you know, Waknuk is a setting of the story. What does your research say about Waknuk in relation to the story? Are you surprised?What is nuclear war? Have we experienced nuclear war? When? What happens to people and vegetation?
Math 9
This is an important week in our math class, as the Unit Test is on Friday, October 3rd. This unit test will cover all material studied since the first day of school. Material covered includes: divisibility rules, order of operations, integers, rational and irrational numbers (whole numbers, mixed fractions, integers), multiplication and division.
Extra help is offered every Wednesday at lunch.
We have read to page 84 of this terms novel, Hunter in the Dark. Along with questions and discussions for each chapter, the class will be working on a movie trailer as a group project.
All students have their independent novel chosen for their term project. Although this project is not due until January, there is an expectation that research and presentation quality is topnotch to fulfill a 15% mark. I am very proud of the students for their participation each day in class and expect no less for the quality of this project.
We had our first test on September 19th. Students were offered the opportunity to improve their mark with a re-write at noon, September 24th.
TODAY: we were in the computer lab and completed the following to be handed in following class on Wedensday:
Hunter in the Dark
Research and answer the questions below. Don’t forget to write down the website you find the information on! Hand in at the end of class. VALUE 30
1. Search Monica Hughes. Who is she? Where was she born? What did she win for writing this book? What are three other facts about her?
2. Where is Swan Hills? Write a brief description about the place, Swan Hills. What is the main industry, the population, and three facts about surrounding areas.
3. Beginning in Swan Hills, draw a map of the area to include Fort Assiniboine, Freeman Hills and the river where Mike is camping (reference is on page 2).
4. What is Vincristine (reference is on page 74)? Research and explain what it is.
5. We know from the novel, Mike has acute lymphocytic leukemia (reference is on page 74). Describe what leukemia is using the term white blood cells in your explanation.
6. Mike’s class went to Jasper on a ski trip. Where is Jasper located and what is the name of the ski hill? What is the highest peak on this mountain?
7. Research Canadian Hunting Safety Tips and discuss two of them. What website did you find the Hunting Safety tips on?Research and draw a Weatherby Mark V de luxe bolt action .257 with a 24-inch barrel gun (description on page 17). What year was this gun introduced? Note: You may have to try a couple of websites to get this information.Extension:Reflecting on what you have learned about leukemia, write an account of how you would feel if you were told you had the sickness. Do you know anyone who has this? Explain.
English 123
We have read to page 83 of The Chrysalids. As a group, we read and do group work to answer chapter questions for The Chrysalids. There are many class discussions to ensure students understand the terminology and sequence of the novel. As a result of each students participation, I nominated the entire class for a WAY TO GO award last Friday held in the Great Hall. It is wonderful to hear this class read to each other.
We had our first test on September 19th on Chapters 1 - 5 of The Chrysalids. Students were offered the opportunity to improve their mark with a re-write at noon, September 24th.
Independent novels for their individual projects should be confirmed with me. Although the deadline for this project is not until January, this is an extensive project worth 15% and is expected to be of high quality in research and presentation. Every student has the Rubric and outline for this project.
TODAY: in the computer lab, we worked on the following questions due following class on Wednesday:
The Chrysalids
Research and answer the questions below. Don’t forget to write down the website you find the information on! Hand in at the end of class. VALUE 30
1. Search John Wyndham. Who is he? What is his full name? What are three other facts about him (such as, where did he live?).
2. What year was John Wyndham born? What year did he pass away?
3. What does chrysalid mean in scientific terms? Explain.
4. In the novel, David has telepathic powers. What is telepathy? After researching, explain in your own words. Have you ever had a “telepathic experience?” Explain.
5. The Chrysalids has been compared to the movie The XMen. In what two ways are they comparable? In what two ways are they different?
6. As you know, Waknuk is a setting of the story. What does your research say about Waknuk in relation to the story? Are you surprised?What is nuclear war? Have we experienced nuclear war? When? What happens to people and vegetation?
Math 9
This is an important week in our math class, as the Unit Test is on Friday, October 3rd. This unit test will cover all material studied since the first day of school. Material covered includes: divisibility rules, order of operations, integers, rational and irrational numbers (whole numbers, mixed fractions, integers), multiplication and division.
Extra help is offered every Wednesday at lunch.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ms. Norman's Blog
Keep in touch with this blog to get up to date information on what is going on in our class, what is due and what we have to prepare for.
I am looking forward to spending this term with you.
Ms. Norman
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