Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today's Recap

English 113
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil and your novel. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.

Numerous students in this class have over-do assignment for Computer lab and Chapter 4. Students are aware they owe assignments. These students are on home-work lunch to complete assignments.

We have finished reading the novel - Hunter in the Dark

English 123
Tomorrow is your test. I will provide the paper and the questions. You only need a pen or pencil. For those who miss the test, it will be written after school on Thursday, October 16th at 3pm sharp.

We have read up to the end of Chapter 11.

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