Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Exam Review Science Tests week of June 7th

Monday, Science "10" will write a test on microscopes, Mitosis, cell organelles and function and cell theory. This is a test missed week of June 1st due to the MANY activities going on in the school.

Science 9 and 10 will have a test on Meiosis Wednesday to review for exam. These tests will count towards marks and are in more of a quiz form to encourage study and review!

My wiki has all science information and students have all been given review sheets (which are also on my wiki!)

Ms. Norman

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