Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mid-terms begin October 31st

English 113
The mid-term for English 113 is on Friday, October 31st, first block. This mid-term will include two topics: Hunter in the Dark novel and Romeo and Juliet movie. Within the exam, students will be expected to write short and long essay answers, do multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, and fully answer personal opinion questions. As in every assignment, students are graded on full sentence structure and proper paragraph form, thoroughness of thought, and comprehension (whether or not the QUESTION is answered!). Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.

English 123
The mid-term for English 123 is on Monday, November 3rd during 2nd block. This mid-term will be weighted in two areas. The majority of the mid-term will be on The Chrysalids novel and on a more minimal scale the XMen movie. Students are expected to write short and long essay answers, answer multiple-choice questions, and relate themes to excerpts from the novel. Every question is graded on thoroughness of thought, proper sentence structure and paragraph structure, and most importantly COMPREHENSION! Ensure you read the question TWICE before you answer to ensure you have answered the question asked. Please bring your novel project book to read in case you finish early.

Math 9
The mid-term for Math is on Thursday, November 6th. This mid-term will include all work completed to date including: integers, fractions, scatter plots, order of operations. We will review everything in class before the mid-term and I am available to help before school, at lunch or after school most days up to Friday BEFORE the mid-term. The most important thing to remember for the mid-term: CHECK OVER YOUR WORK. There will be plenty of time to complete the mid-term. Please bring a ruler, two pencils, an eraser and a book with you to the mid-term. Calculators will not be necessary.

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