Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Term test on Tuesday

Math 9 - we will have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th. This test is on probability, relative frequency, graphing and equation of the line. We will begin our review tomorrow, and we will also have a full review on Monday before the test. See my last homework blog entry for your homework assignment - some of you are behind!!

Math projects were due today as our formal presentations are next Thursday, December 18th from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. All parents and family are invited to attend our presentation in Room 45.

English 123 - The Chrysalids Trailer project is due tomorrow, Friday, December 12th. The videos are looking grand! Well done everyone. We will play the videos for the school in January at our next WOW Ceremony.

We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th. The test will include a short reading and response question, opinion question, and paraphrasing, and summarizing question.

Due Friday, December 12th at the end of class:
All Quiet on the Western Front (page 64)
1. Read story as a group
2. Note words you do not know, look up their meaning in the context of the story:
3. Note interesting phrases, or phrases which stand out to you (there should be a minimum of two). Write down the interesting phrase, discuss the meaning with those in your group.
4. Individually, answer THINKING questions (page 67)
5. Page 68 – Housewife: in your journal, answer the questions before you read the poem.
6. Answer THINKING questions (page 69) to pass in.
7. In your journal, answer WRITING questions (page 69) in your journal.
NOTE: this exercise should be thought provoking and a chance for self-reflecting. Go with it!

English 113 - We have our term test on Tuesday, December 16th which will include letter writing, reading and response and true/false, fill-in-the-blank question.

We have one week to go before break and there are many activities for students. Try and stay focused! Before you know it, school will be out for this year, 2008.

Ms. Norman

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