Grand Manan Community School

Ms. Norman's wiki link:

The grade 9 Mathematics curriculum offers students and parents the opportunity to access the textbook via the internet. The website is . Student username is math9_student and password is student2010

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Math 9 Midterm

Math 9 will write their mid-term on Friday, March 16th. This midterm will cover Rational Numbers and Linear Relations. Midterms continue on Monday for their other classes. English is on Wednesday, March 21st.

Parent Teacher interviews are on March 29th in the evening (6pm to 8 pm) and on March 30th (9am to 11am) in the morning.

Get to bed at a good time and eat your breakfast - midterms are easier if you are looking after yourself! And yes, study!

Ms. Norman

Science 8 Test Review Chapter 4

Science Test Friday, March 16th

Pages: page 110 Flowing Along, page 111 States of Matter and the Particle Theory,  page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, page 117 How Fast do Fluids Flow, page 120, 121, 123 and 124 Why Viscosity Varies, and 126.

Key terms: viscosity, fluid, solid, liquid, gas, change of state, melting, vaporization, condensation, freezing, sublimation, evaporation, boiling, boiling point, freezing point, melting point, flow rate, resistance to flow, internal friction

1.     Define the word “fluid” (4.1 page beginning on pate 110)

2.     Use the particle theory to explain why liquids and gases are fluids, but solids are not. (4.1)

3.     Give some characteristics of liquids and solids that are the same.  What are some characteristics that are different? (4.1)

4.     Explain how liquids and gases are similar. How are they different? (4.1)

5.     Describe how to measure viscosity. (4.2)

6.     Explain flow to determine the flow rate of a liquid. (4.2)

7.     Summarize the main factors that affect the viscosity of liquids and gases.

8.     Use the key terms above to fill in the blank:

a)     _______________ chocolate causes it to flow. (4.1)

b)    A _____________ always has an even surface. (4.1)

c)     A _____________ can be poured only if it is ground into a fine powder. (4.1)

d)    _____________ occurs when dishes “air dry” on a rack. This change of state is called __________________. (4.1)

e)     The particles of a ________________ are spread extremely far apart. (4.1)

f)      Liquid water can change into a gas at its _______________ 100 degrees Celsius.

g)     A fluid’s resistance to flow is known as its ___________________; a good way to measure this property is by determining the ______________ of a liquid. (4.2. 4.3)

h)    There is ____________________ between the particles of a fluid that causes viscosity. (4.3)

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