Grand Manan Community School

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Science 8 Test Review

Chapter 3
Test on January 13th, 2012

1.  Label the digestive system and know the organs
2.  Label the respiratory system and know the organs
3.  Which structure connects the mouth and the stomach?
4.  Which organ produces insulin?
5.  Why is the digestive system important to humans?
6.  What is the function of the stomach?
7.  Do you think eating properly is important to the digestive system? Why?
8.  What muscle plays a role in breathing?
9.  In which structure does gas exchange occur?
10.  Why is the respiratory system important to humans?
11. Do you think smoking harms your respiratory system? Explain why?
12. READ PAGES 79 TO 86

On Monday, January 16th, Hallie Bass will be in class to discuss blood pressure. Please read page 92 before class.

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