Grand Manan Community School

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

English 123 Midterm Review

English 123
Mid-term Review
The majority of the exam will be multiple choice with some short answers.

* be able to compare the similarities and differences of the movie the X-men to the plot of The Chrysalids
* vocabulary list (as seen on Wiki site) from The Chrysalids: be able to identify words in multiple choice and match word for the completed chapters.
* review the Crown of Creation lyrics and be able to interpret them in relation to the novel. You will have an interpretation exercise on the mid-term.
* Similar to the short stories, One of These Days, Fear and The Pose, you will be given a short story to read and questions to answer.
* Multiple choice questions on The Chrysalids
* Refer to your notes (or look at the Wiki) for Elements of a Story. This includes: setting, character and character development
* Be prepared to read an excerpt and summarize the information into one concise paragraph.

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